Students & Parents
Please use the left navigation to visit our Nest and Seminar pages. This is where we house the information that is shared with students in each of our grade level meetings throughout the week.
Education is a family activity. LCPS encourages and assists in the involvement of parents and guardians of our students in the activities of their schools. PTA’s and other volunteer groups, whether organized school-wide or by grade or class, offer parents an opportunity to contribute to the development of school resources and to enhance the school experience for their children and their children’s classmates. All our schools, all our principals and all our teachers welcome a chance to engage parents in the educational process.
Learning isn’t something that just goes on at the schoolhouse. The difference between being a student and being a top student depends largely on what happens at home. Through their encouragement, by demonstrating the value they place on education and making it a priority in the day-to-day life of a family, parents always tilt the scales toward success. LCPS teachers depend on the homework-helpers and the science-project engineers to help get the job done, and LCPS applauds the parents and grandparents -- all family members -- who pitch in.