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Eight adults pose in front of a Christmas tree with two of them holding balloons.

LCPS, its schools and its teachers aggressively pursue grant opportunities as a way of securing instructional resources that cannot be obtained through traditional means. Additionally, we feel competing for grants encourages innovation and the development of creative approaches to teaching and learning.

Evidence of the effectiveness of grant awards can be seen throughout our schools -- from the STEM Centers installed at our middle schools with the help of Duke Energy and the Golden Leaf Foundation to the aquaponics and gardening resources at our elementary schools funded by Monsanto and a variety of other grant sources.

A financial grant offered by you, your business or organization would be an excellent incentive as our teachers and schools work to be more effective. If your business or organization wants to help our teachers and schools be more innovative and effective, consider offering a financial grant as an incentive. LCPS can help you understand our schools' needs and connect teachers and schools to your opportunity.

Of course, grant opportunities must align to the district's goals and strategies. If you are considering a grant offering or have other questions, contact the office of the Associate Superintendent.